Trust Governance
Local Governing Bodies
As the Trust comprises of three separate and distinct special academies, each school have their own Local Governing Bodies in order to support the ethos of the school and ensure the needs of the pupils are being met.
The Local Governing Body is made up of representatives from the academy and its local community, including a minimum of two elected parent governors. The local governors support the trustees to deliver strategic management and operational oversight at each academy.
The local governors, working with the Headteacher and senior staff are responsible for:
- Challenging and supporting the agreed vision of the MAT;
- Reporting to the trustees on the provision of education at the academy.
- Providing a strategic overview and a monitoring role in connection with the Academy;
- Monitoring and being accountable for budget setting and review;
- Acting as a critical friend to the Headteacher; and
- Representing the views of the community.
The Board of the Trustees, fulfilling the role of both directors under company law and trustees under charity law, exercise the powers and carry out the duties of the Auriga Academy Trust. The Board of Trustees are responsible to the Members of the Trust as well as the parents, pupils and staff at the academies.
The Trustees are responsible for the three core governance functions
- setting the strategic direction of the Trust and the academies within the Trust,
- holding the Headteachers to account and
- ensuring financial probity and compliance with charity and company law and the academy trust’s funding agreement.
In order to fulfill these objectives the Trustees have formed four sub- committees
- The Audit and Risk Committee provides oversight of internal controls and risk management.
- The Standards and Effectiveness Committee monitors individual school performance and improvement, and pupil welfare.
- The Finance and Resources Committee focusses on finance matters.
- The Pay Committee focusses on pay matters.
The members exercise oversight over the direction and running of the MAT. The members enter into the funding agreement with the Secretary of State and are legally responsible both to the Secretary of State and to parents and pupils for the running of the Academy Trust and the academies within the Trust. They are also responsible for holding the trustees to account for the running of the Trust.